Galéria vznikla v roku 2006 a je (zatia¾ len) virtuálnym galerijným priestorom s ponukou slovenského konceptuálneho umenia zo 60-tych až 80-tych rokov 20. storoèia a niektorých jeho pokraèovate¾ov z mladšej generácie. Galéria zároveò organizuje výst…

The Gallery, established in 2006, is a virtual (for the time being) space for Slovak conceptual and neo-avant-garde art of 1960s–1980s, including some followers from the younger generation. The Gallery coordinates exhibitions of (not only) Slovak conceptual artists and frequently collaborates with other institutions. In addition, the Gallery provides loans and facilitates the sale and hiring of art works.

Gallery also lent works from the collection to the following institutions: National Gallery of Art, Washington, USA; The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York, USA; de Appel, Amsterdam, Netherland; National Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal; MUMOK, Wien, Austria; Prague City Gallery, Czech Republic; Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovak Republic…


Selection from authors works